Python Program To Find Power Set Of A Set

Chapter: Python Last Updated: 04-10-2023 17:45:05 UTC


            /* ............... START ............... */

def power_set(input_set):
    # If the input set is empty, return a set containing an empty set
    if not input_set:
        return [set()]

    # Get the first element of the input set
    first_elem = input_set[0]

    # Recursively find the power set of the remaining elements
    remaining_power_set = power_set(input_set[1:])

    # Combine the first element with each subset in the remaining power set
    combined_power_set = []
    for subset in remaining_power_set:
        combined_power_set.append({first_elem} | subset)

    return combined_power_set

# Test the function
input_set = {1, 2, 3}
result = power_set(input_set)

for subset in result:

                /* ............... END ............... */


{2, 3}
{1, 3}
{1, 2}
{1, 2, 3}


  • This program defines a power_set function that takes a set as input and returns a list of sets representing the power set of the input set. It uses a recursive approach to generate subsets by either including or excluding the first element of the input set in each subset.
  • When you run the program with the input_set set to {1, 2, 3}, it will print all the subsets in the power set as above in output section.


Python program to find power set of a set #How do you find the powerset of a set in Python? #Python itertools powerset

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1 2 3 4